Membership Update is complete for 2025, and you should be able to log into your account. If you are having trouble logging in and you have paid your dues,
please email Sara at 


Zoom and at GBPL 

for January, February and March evening meetings. We will NOT meet at the Library.



From the Source’s Mouth presented over Zoom by Daniel Hubbard


Tuesday, February 4, 2025; 9:30 am





Once we’ve understood that identities can be tricky to reconstruct, how do we piece together the tidbits of information that we find into an actual ancestor? How do we avoid putting together a great-great frankenfather from the spare parts we find in the documents we dig up? Do we trust what seems to be true, or do we look long and hard into the “source’s mouth.”

Dan’s lifelong obsession for science and research resulted in eight years of living in France while working at CERN just over the border in Switzerland. During that time, he earned a Ph.D. in high energy physics from the University of Michigan and had a postdoctoral position with Harvard. There he met his wife and they eventually moved to her native land of Sweden. He worked first as a software designer, documentation editor, software systems architect and later as a strategic product manager in the telecommunications industry.

After 8 years on the board of the Lake County Illinois Genealogical Society (4 years as 1st vice president and 4 years as president) Dan reached his term limit and he now serves as Past President. He has been on the board of the Swedish American Genealogical Society (formerly known as The Nordic Family Genealogy Center) at the Swedish American Museum in Chicago for many years. 



Handout Link

Zoom Link





Become a member

President:           Ann Broihier
Vice President:   Larry Pepper
AM Secretary:    Kristie Benedik
PM Secretary:    Angel Jacoby
Treasurer:           Judy VanDusen

Past President:  Judy VanDusen




The Writers’ Group meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 10 am. Please come join us to start your writing.




Renewal Form

You may have to click once on the renewal form to resize before you print.










Welcome to EGS– Join us for a Monthly Meeting!

Gail Borden Public Library

The Elgin Genealogical Society is for any person who has an interest in genealogy, research or history.

Meetings are held at the Gail Borden Public Library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, IL. on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am and the third Thursday at 7:00 pm except in December when the date, time, and location of the annual meeting is announced. It is always best to check this website or call the library at 847-742-2411 to check if schedule changes have occurred.

You do not have to be a member to attend any of our meetings, but when you become a member of EGS, you will receive special access to our Members Only area on our website where you can find all presentation handouts, plus all of our past and present newsletters.

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